c05nbc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (function values only) |
c05pbc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (using first derivatives) |
c05tbc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (function values only), thread-safe |
c05ubc | Solution of a system of nonlinear equations (using first derivatives), thread-safe |
d02gac | Ordinary differential equations solver, for simple nonlinear two-point boundary value problems, using a finite difference technique with deferred correction |
e04fcc | Unconstrained nonlinear least squares (no derivatives required) |
e04gbc | Unconstrained nonlinear least squares (first derivatives required) |
e04jbc | Bound constrained nonlinear minimization (no derivatives required) |
e04kbc | Bound constrained nonlinear minimization (first derivatives required) |
e04ucc | Minimization with nonlinear constraints using a sequential QP method |
e04unc | Solves nonlinear least-squares problems using the sequential QP method |
e04xac | Computes an approximation to the gradient vector and/or the Hessian matrix for use with e04ucc and other nonlinear optimization functions |
e04ycc | Covariance matrix for nonlinear least-squares |